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Instrument Rentals

Music Room offers the most flexible rental programs around!


Option #1:  In-House Program: pay once per term and you're good for months!  School Year Term- most instruments are $100 plus tax (doesn't include supplies), goes from late August to end of June.

Summmer Rental: June until September, must be renewed or returned in September before the 30th, $30 plus tax.


Only need driver's license to rent, no credit checks, card kept on file to reduce the need for late payments and convenient to renew.


We have a limited amount of violins, cellos, trumpets, clarinets, saxophones, flutes, trumpets, trombones and baritones to rent from this program, mixed brands, mixed instrument ages, mixed cosmetic quality, all guaranteed to play and checked thoroughly by our repair staff.





Option #2: Our Veritas Program: monthly autopayments!  Worried about committing for the entire school year?  Is the school teacher specific about the brands of instruments they want their students playing on?  Interested in a "Rent-To-Own" kind of option, or you'd prefer something new (even eventually)? 


Then the Veritas program is for you. 


Cool things about the Veritas program:

  • Built-in monthly insurance amount that covers almost everything.  We'll fix it and get you a loaner in the meantime.

  • Each payment's principal is accumulated as equity to pay off an instrument in about 3-4 years (depending on retail value).

  • Brands available are Yamaha, Conn, Selmer, Bach, Armstrong, Knilling, Glaesel, Scherl and Roth, Jupiter, Gemeinhardt, Artley and more of your school music teachers' favorites!

  • Options include used (often like new) and NEW instruments.

  • Autopay makes it easy, return and close account when you like after 1 month.

  • We never run out and get more instruments shipped to us when needed.

  • Can fill out your contract online... AND get it shipped to you if you want, or pick it up at Music Room.

  • Can rent out any instrument except string bass.  This includes every size violin, viola (up to 16 1/2) and cello. 

  • Click the Rent From Home button to get started or stop by!

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