My Orchestra Doesn't Squeak! Free Preview Course For Educators Teaching String Technique is a deep-dive into the complex world of orchestra string technique for music educators. Included is a specific outline of the first several group lessons, with complete sequences and objectives, troubleshooting strategies for instructional delivery, explanations of tone issues caused by the instruments that the teacher can remedy, and many thorough video demonstrations and resources for student and instructor use to motivate and assess. Instructional Objectives: The string teacher will be able to know how to: -understand and teach all aspects of string instrument technique correctly -appropriately plan and pace the first 7+ group lessons for string students so as not to contribute to technique overwhelm -diagnose and troubleshoot most, if not all, issues in instrument tone and tone production in students -assess students objectively through their work on technique, whether for grading purposes or for student motivation and incentive -begin using aspects of growth mindset in their instructional delivery and technique feedback
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